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Unlock Your Power for Creating Personal Fulfillment & Happiness

An integrated approach to self-healing through conscious awareness & alignment of body, mind & spirit.

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Success is an inside job!

An Integrated Approach to Self-Healing & Improvement

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We are more than just our mind & body. Each of us is an individualized Signature Light Frequency of Divine Essence/Universe/God/Life Force (whatever terminology you choose is right for you). Abundance in all forms can flow into our cells activating the ability to attract happiness and personal success through conscious awareness and alignment to our body, mind & spirit. You can release and move beyond the restraints of your past and present experiences and environment. With my support & your self-analysis and clearing, you can transform your relationship with yourself and unlock new opportunities for personal fulfillment, growth and success. Don't let past experiences/beliefs/learnings hold you back from living your best life. Let's work together to achieve your goals.

Curious about life coaching or energy work, be sure to read our free articles or contact us.          

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"I have had the privilege of knowing Linda as a friend, mentor, and life coach for seven years. A lot has transpired in those years and Linda has been there every step of the way. Linda fosters a spirit of independence while being the wind beneath your sails until you can rise again. Confidant, tranquil and ready to live the life you came here to live. While others want to drain you of confidence and enable the patterns that diminish our conscious awareness, Linda empowers, motivates and inspires positive change. Gift yourself with real hope and take charge of your own life."         HM, OK

"I have worked with Linda for ten years in a variety of different capacities. She has healed me, taught me how to heal myself, guided me, coached me, supported me, and transformed my entire life in the most loving and beautiful way. Linda supersedes a master level in energy work and goes deep to heal all that is in your highest and best good. Linda has supported and guided me through the toughest of moments physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She has been there through major life shifts such as a hard divorce, big career changes (several of them), another marriage, death of my mother, and all the upheaval that comes with a spiritual awakening.  The healings Linda provides are peaceful and allow you to meet parts of yourself you have longed for and needed to meet. She offers love, power, and wisdom after each session to ensure you are integrating with ease and Grace. Your whole soul and essence are wrapped in divine love and light. If transformation and pure, authentic, powerful healing is what you need then Linda is the Master and will provide it with high integrity. To say Linda is the most amazing healer I have ever met is an understatement. I am grateful for the love, wisdom, and guidance she has given and continues to give straight from the heart. I love her beyond measure. She is a gift given from the divine." Julie, CA

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